Psychotherapy can be one of the greatest and most rewarding adventures, it can bring with it the deepest feelings of personal worth, of purpose and richness in living.

- Eda LeShan

I offer both time-limited and open-ended therapy to support wellbeing in specific areas.

Individual Therapy

Stress & Anxiety, Relationship Challenges, Sadness, Grief, Feelings of Disconnection from Self & Life, Problems with Alcohol & Drugs, Life Transitions…

People feel drawn to therapy for a variety of reasons, typically with a sense that something in life isn’t working the way they want. Or, simply wanting to talk to someone about what’s occurring in life and developing more understanding, acceptance, and ultimately freedom. Therapy provides a space for you to clarify your thoughts, gain insights, and create new pathways for being and action.

My approach with individuals combines elements of mindfulness, depth therapy, and elements of coaching. I offer both time-limited and open-ended therapy, depending on what best suits your needs.

Couples Therapy

Wanting a better relationship, Premarital Preparation, Enhancing Intimacy, Sense of growing apart, Affair & Erotic Recovery, Relationship Forms, Money problems…

Your primary relationship is often the most important connection in your life. It is also the relationship that can cause the most stress when it’s not going the way you want. We all need support to have the best relationship we can~whatever that might mean for you. When you find yourself struggling, having difficulty connecting and communicating, or simply wanting a better & more emotionally/sexually connected relationship–couples counseling can make a profound difference. In couples counseling & sex therapy you can:

Sex Therapy

Desiring a more satisfying sex life, Anxiety around sex, Past abuse or trauma, Pain during intercourse, Non-traditional relationship forms, Affair & Erotic recovery, Conflict around porn, Learning to orgasm/experience more pleasure…

Sexual health and pleasure is an important part of life. Professional sex therapy helps individuals and couples work with the variety of concerns that can affect one’s relationship to their own sexuality and sex life with another person/other people. One of the most consistent research findings is that there is a positive relationship between sexual satisfaction and overall relationship satisfaction, commitment, and stability. Taking the first step in talking with someone about your concerns is often the hardest part, particularly in the area of sexuality.

I also specialize in consensual non-monogamy—all creative varieties of CNM forms. In modern life, more people are recognizing the workability of exploring multiple romantic/attachment/sexual relationships, and wanting support to do this in a way that deepens and protects the realtionships they most care about. 

Please call for a complimentary phone consultation and see if counseling would benefit you.

Jessica Mangano

Sex Therapy Supervision and Consultation with Other Professionals

AASECT Sex Therapy Supervision, Consultation with therapists, Consultation with other allied professionals…

I am an AASECT Certified Supervisor, qualified to provide supervision through the process of becoming an AASECT sex therapist. 

I also consult with therapists wanting to reflect on how their current therapy may go deeper by including specific themes, contexts, and behaviors with their individual/couples clients.

Additionally, I consult with allied professionals (physical therapists, MDs, occupational therapists, coaches) who may want to discuss a variety of issues surrounding sexuality to support their existing treatment plans with clients.

Interested in booking a consultation? Please get in touch through the contact page.

Please be aware that I am currently only seeing clients via telehealth at this time.

Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, #49373

1425 Leimert Blvd, Suite 204
Oakland, CA 94602

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